Toland is a legendary Warlock and former Vanguard. He was present on the Tower when it was attacked, and disappeared without a trace not long after.
According to Ikora Rey, Toland was considered reckless and even “mad”, which would be an accurate description of his writings: the Journal of a Broken Mind.
Who is Toland and what are his powers? Is Toland truly dead?
Toland is a very mysterious figure in the Destiny universe and many questions (some of which I’ve asked myself) about him remain unanswered.
Many assume that he has been killed by some sort of Hive monstrosity, but there are other possibilities on how he could have disappeared, such as leaving his post on the Tower.
In the Journal of a Broken Mind, Toland mentions that he “… is going to do something inexcusable. So I’m leaving”.
Toland’s abilities are a complete mystery since there’s no gameplay footage featuring him in the gallery of Guardians – but what we do know of him is from the Grimoire cards.
We know that he had a very strong connection with the Hive, more so than anyone else, and was able to find a way into their Ascendant realms.
He also mentions being able to sense the Deep upon entering one of these realms for the first time: “I can feel it. Down there, in the shadows. I can see it.”
Toland is a legendary Warlock and former Vanguard.
He was present on the Tower when it was attacked, and disappeared without a trace not long after.
Why should you use him in your fireteam?
Toland is an absolute must in PvP, most specially Trials of Osiris. His abilities are all about slaying Hive and he just does it better than anyone else.
If you’re a fan of [the Crucible], Toland’s [journal] explains how to access the Ascendant realms of the Hive and his Grimoire cards feature some interesting lore about the Hive in general.
What weapons does he use?
Toland’s abilities and weapons haven’t been confirmed yet, but we can make assumptions based on his Grimoire cards.
[We know that] he was an expert in the use of the Void and preferred to use a Hand Cannon when doing field work (if you don’t need a weapon slot for your super) or a Sniper Rifle when engaging from a distance.
How to find toland in destiny 2?
Toland’s Journal can be found in the Dreaming City, where the Hive are attempting to summon Argos, Planetary Core.
It takes place over two missions:
- The Shattered
- Light in the Dark
You can find it while doing bounties for Petra Venj; after turning in one of them, start another bounty and it will appear as a reward for completing it.
Keep in mind that you need to have completed the quest “Leviathan, Eater of Worlds” before being able to turn in any bounties.
Toland was an expert in the use of the Void and preferred to use a Hand Cannon when doing field work (if you don’t need a weapon slot for your super) or a Sniper Rifle when engaging from a distance.
What are some of the things he’s done in Destiny 2?
Toland’s journal explains how to access the Ascendant Realms and tells us a little about the Hive.
He also knew about Oryx long before the formation of the Vanguard, as he mentions in his Grimoire card “Oryx: The Taken King”:
“I have been studying the Hive for decades now. They’ve been perfecting their crafts, quietly striking at the heart of our worlds. If we do not stop them on Earth…”
Toland is a very interesting character and it’s a shame that we don’t know more about him in Destiny 2.
Maybe with the return of Osiris in Warmind, we might get to learn more about Toland, his journals and his interest with the Hive.
Until then, enjoy killing Hive in the Crucible!